EU Parliament members Andrej Hunko and Werner Shneider visited our union on October
11, Monday. Kenan Öztürk – President of TÜMTİS and Gürel Yılmaz – General Secretary
of TÜMTİS informed parliamentarian about situation of trade unions in Turkey and UPS
Our union president reminded that in spite of democratization discourse of the government,
there are still no concrete steps taken; the Labour and Trade Union Law could not surpass
the understanding of 80’s military coup, and for union authorization 10% threshold in sectors
and 50% threshold in workplace are still applied. Referring that, workers are either forced to
resing or fired as UPS workers, when they enrol unions, Öztürk also said that it is proved in
the reports of TÜRK-İŞ that tens of thousands of workers are fired related to enrolling trade
After getting information about fired UPS workers due to union, EU members said that they
could not believe in this situation, and Turkey must have union regulations which match
international norms in order to be a member of EU. Lastly, managers of our union thanked to
the parliamentarians who stated that they will prepare a report about the problem in UPS.